Many projects would not be possible without generous donations. In order to be able to continue our mission and to be able to move forward with new projects, we continue to rely on donations. Help us give everyone the chance to see well.
Donation Guide EDA Development Service German Opticians e.V.
Monetary donations: A donation receipt will be sent immediately if the amount exceeds EUR 300 and a complete address can be seen in the transfer. (For donations up to EUR 299, the bank deposit receipt is used)
IBAN DE74 7116 0000 0002 0270 89 BIC GENODEF1VRR “my Volksbank Raiffeisenbank eG”
Donations in kind
The use of equipment and tools is an important cornerstone of our projects. Donated, but still functional, older equipment and tools are often used. This allows us to set up workshops and establish an efficient, functioning system. By reusing such resources, we can work sustainably and at the same time advance the implementation of our projects.
are needed:
Refraction accessories
Magnifying glasses
Ready-made reading aids

Workshop materials
Workshop equipment
Unser Mitglied Walter Huth ist für die Sachspenden zuständig. Bei Fragen schreiben Sie ihm gerne eine E-Mail an
*If a donation receipt is desired, please enclose an invoice with the number of items donated and the price. For example: metal frame 1 euro. The text: “The goods were given to you as a donation.”
Important for donations in kind:
– The donation should be complete! Equipment including everything needed for operation
necessary accessories such as power supplies, replacement bulbs if necessary, etc.
– Of course, the devices must be functional and generally in good condition.
– Frames should be relatively fashionable or classic, not old-fashioned designs.
– No drilling goggles or nylon goggles. These can often be due to missing
Equipment or unsuitable glass materials cannot be glazed on site.
– The EDA does not accept used glasses. Workshops will be set up and, if possible, individual glasses will be fitted. (You are welcome to receive used glasses send)
– We no longer accept large devices such as automatic grinders and other machines with electronic components because the time-consuming transport is not worth it, customs duties are levied, and it must be guaranteed in the destination country that these devices can be repaired.
Proper disposal on site is often not possible.